My thoughts -

quote from Adam:
"It is today, as it was before. Innovation and progress in CFML is driven 
exclusively by the ColdFusion community. Adobe is merely a vessel that pours 
those ideas into ColdFusion and spread CFML advancements throughout the world. 
As a community, we never needed the OpenCFML board to guide or document 

I would alter that to be 'Adobe is the CURRENT vessel' since from the beginning 
CFML innovation was always driven by the community going back to the days of 
Allaire and the Team Allaire members.

If the OpenBD team claims it is not organized enough to submit ideas then they 
are most likely not organized enough to release a new version of OpenBD and 
certainly not organized enough to be innovative. This is unfortunate since the 
commercial version of BlueDragon used to be innovative.

If Railo Team claims they want to wait and see what tags flush out in their 
flavor of CFML then two things are true, 1: they are implementing language 
enhancements that are not community driven and 2: Railo would rather take a 
wait and see role instead or a lead role in the OpenCFML board.


Wil Genovese

One man with courage makes a majority.
-Andrew Jackson

A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. 

On Jul 22, 2010, at 10:50 AM, Judah McAuley wrote:

> I find this to be a very disappointing development. I have no insight
> into the politics behind this but I can definitely say that we are a
> poorer community for this choice.
> I looked forward to being able to write applications to a spec and
> have some confidence that they would run on multiple engines. It looks
> like that will continue to be a dream.
> Judah

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