On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Wil Genovese <jugg...@trunkful.com> wrote:
> This is most likely the problem that Sean was referring to.  Being responsive 
> to the community is one thing, being overly responsive is a problem.  Just 
> because one person asks for something and three more chime in with "me to 
> +++++++++++1" does not make the request 'community driven'.  Sean was saying 
> Railo needs to wait and see what parts of their flavor of CFML become 
> popular.  This means too many requests are added too quickly without proper 
> market research.

It's also important to consider the difference between the core
language - which needs to be compatible across all engines for those
engines to be useful - and the rest of the "CFML stuff". So Railo can
easily implement new administrator features, networked caches and all
manner of extensions based on the needs of a few but when it comes to
the language, much more care must be taken.

A great example is for-in for arrays in cfscript. Railo has supported
var in such loops for a long time and had for-in on arrays long before
the committee considered it. The committee picked a different
implementation but since no one but Railo had implemented it, there
was no compatibility issue (insofar as code that ran on Adobe / OpenBD
behaved the same on Railo). With CF9.0.1 adding for-in array matching
the committee spec, Railo changed their for-in array implementation to
match - breaking some existing Railo code because core language
compatibility is important (and there will probably be an
Administrator setting added to allow legacy Railo code to continue to
execute as-is).

> To me Railo seems to be adding to their flavor of CFML as fast as the 
> children say 'ooh, I want'.  This results in a fat bloated language spec (and 
> fat children).

And yet the Adobe ColdFusion uses far more disk space and RAM than
OpenBD or Railo... :)
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. -- http://getrailo.com/
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

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-- Margaret A

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