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On Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Stephens, Larry V <>wrote:

> I'm sure this isn't news to most of you but perhaps there are one or two
> people out there struggling with CF and Ajax.
> Rewriting an application for CF that was originally done in Access has some
> challenges. Among them is display fields that are updated by an associated
> field. In my case (and this dates back to when space was an issue and dBase
> was a space hog) I didn't store (as one example) city, state and county
> information but linked it to the zipcode combobox. Select a different
> zipcode or add a new one (new oes are created, but I'm being generic here -
> this applies to other types of linked data) and the combobox query populated
> your related fields in a snap.
> CF, for obvious reasons, isn't as simple. I turned to binding.
> Part of my problem is having to use IE. We use ADS authentication and this
> app needs to be "behind" that for security. Mozilla chokes on ADS - at least
> here. But IE doesn't have anything as good as Firebug. (If I am wrong in
> saying this *please* point me to the tool.)
> After manipulating some stuff I temporarily moved the app out of the ADS
> area and opened it with Mozilla.  Thanks to some posts I found with Google
> and some advice from Tony Bentley and Raymond Camden I checked the XHR
> return values and found what was causing the errors.
> The error was thrown because of a bad JSON string. So, two pieces of
> advice: one problem was in Application.cfm. An old, old remark was
> html-remarked (<!-- -->) not CF-remarked and that was getting returned in
> the JSON string. The other issue was a footer file and another line of code
> in the OnRequestEnd.cfm  I had to go to a blank OnRequestEnd file. I don't
> recall that bit of advice anywhere in the CF docs.
> All is still not well. One variable return is nothing by cfdump CSS code
> despite there being no cfdump being used. I'm still figuring that out.
> One person advises looking at jquery instead of Ajax. We'll be trying that
> Thanks to those who helped.
> Larry Stephens

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