>>My guess is that you'd previously installed another version of CF (6,
7, 8) and that there's a conflict between whatever that left on your

Your guess was right. Not 6, 7 or 8 versions, but I installed first the trial 
version with the J2EE configuration.
For some mysterious reason, when I tried to enter my serial number, it was not 
So I re-installed it using the standalone version. I did not know this was a 
completely different installation, I mean in different directories. The second 
installation did not overwrite the first.
The result was that the two ODBC services were running from the J2EE version. 
apparently this is why definition of new datasources failed.
Last night, I de-installed everything, erased some remaining directories and 
re-installed all.
It now works fine.

Thanks to all for your support.

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