Documentation for Railo is indeed poor, but they are aware and they are
working on it, it has been improving slowly and there is now a good
installer as well. But remember this is really only with regards with
installing and setup. When it comes to CFML programming the docs for Railo
is pretty much the same as ColdFusion.
This is however the main reason why I created, so
people can try out and use ColdFusion and Railo the easy way, without having
to install or setup anything.

But it is horses for courses, if you want a commercial product with tons of
good docs then stick with CF, Railo is really aimed at a different market,
those who like open source and have the Java technical skills and knowledge
to use Tomcat or other Java sevlet containers or are willing to learn love
it, or those who simply don't have the money for CF or simply don't want to
pay for it and would go that extra mile for a free solution are giving it a
Sadly the CF community has shown itself to be full of nasty vindictive,
abusive trolls who have nothing better to do than flame Railo and anyone who
uses it. Which is totally pointless and only serves to make them and the
ColdFusion community at large look pathetic and has already started to
divide the community which is a shame.
If you like open source then use it, if you don't then don't use it,
simples, but please don't try and paint it all with the same brush, some
open source products have amazing docs, better than many commercial
products. Even within the CF world take a look at the ColdBox framework,
incredible documentation.

-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schnéegans <>
[mailto:=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claude_Schn=E9egans <schneeg...@interneti=71?=
Sent: 20 December 2010 15:21
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: What Notable Differences are there between Railo, Open
Bluedragon, and Adobe Coldfusion? []

I tried to give a test to Railo some months ago.
The lack of documentation made me give up after a few days.
I finally upgraded to CF 9.
Documentation is the most important thing for developers.
For the same reason, I hate Mozilla.
It may be many times better than Explorer, but their documentation is a
Same for Railo.
I hate those open source or free stuff.
And when you complain about it, you usually get some answer like "Why don't
you contribute?"
I use them not because I like them and I want to contribute, but because
some visitors use them and I need to have my product compatible.

The more undocumented free gadgets on the market, the more trouble for us

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