> In CFAdmin, if I go into SERVER SETTINGS > Settings Summary, in the
> Database Data Sources section, it lists all my data sources.  So, if I
> see everything using a JDBC URL, does that mean that I don't use ODBC
> data sources?

All of mine look like the following:

JDBC URL  jdbc:izmado:Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data 
JdbcEsc=yes;IzmReleaseOnClose= no

>I'm not in front of a machine running CF, so I'm not sure exactly what
>shows up in there.

>Even when you're using ODBC, though, you're still using JDBC, as
>that's all that CF knows (being a Java application). Java applications
>only use JDBC. The ODBC Server and ODBC Agent services act as a
>JDBC-to-ODBC bridge. So, my guess would be that you'll see all your
>data sources as having JDBC URLs no matter what, but that the ones
>that use the ODBC services will mention "sequelink" or something along
>those lines.

Does this help Dan? I am pretty sure I am using ODBC. I set up all my 
Datasources using the drop down list in CF Admin.

I am guessing I should do this another way? I have just never figured out 
how to do it.

David Moore
UpstateWeb, LLC 

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