On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 7:02 PM, Bryan Stevenson <
br...@electricedgesystems.com> wrote:

> OK then Nic/Mark....
> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/fcf_ataglance_flex_coldfusion.html
> Seems to contradict you guys....
> I'd love a non-webservice and non-RDS enabled solution, but Adobe seems
> to think RDS is the way??  I am in no way wanting to use RDS and not
> disagreeing with anyone's comments about its insecurty.
> ...and please...."it doesn't" is not a solution.  Nic, if you know it
> doesn't....can you provide the method of using CFCs in Flex that works
> for you?
> Thanks in advance
> Cheers

No, it's saying if you use Flash Bulder, you should have a server setup with
RDS so you can develop, this is 99% of the time a local coldfusion install
with RDS.

Figure 1. Using CFCs in Flex application development

   1. First, you create the CFC function and set its access property to
   remote. Then you use the Flash Builder Data Services wizard to connect to
   the CFC.
   2. The wizard actually goes out, retrieves the CFC, etc..

For wizards to work, you would need RDS accessible form somewhere
(localhost) but the end result is still a ColdFusion Component set to Access

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