I don't see anything about RDS in that article.  The only thing I can
think of if you saw it somewhere else is that RDS can be used to generate
CFCs, but still, do this in dev only.

You have several options for hitting CFC via remoting, including RTMP and
AMF.  There are lots of good articles out there on configuring endpoints
in your services config.  As for creating the objects in CF and making
them available to Flex, here's one from a fellow I quite trust:


On 2/28/11 7:21 PM, "nic.tun...@nictunney.com" <nic.tun...@nictunney.com>

>I'll check the link when I am home, but I use flash remoting all the time
>which uses blaze ds under the hood.  You should never install rds in
>Sent from my Verizon Wireless Phone
>----- Reply message -----
>From: "Andrew Scott" <andr...@andyscott.id.au>
>Date: Mon, Feb 28, 2011 7:08 pm
>Subject: How secure is RDS
>To: "cf-talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
>I don't see any where that it mentions using RDS to communicate with
>I am no expert in Flash/Flex development but I am under the impression the
>Flash Remoting on ColdFusion is the way Flash talks to ColdFusion, however
>in development the Flash Builder might require RDS to do Flash
>Andrew Scott
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Bryan Stevenson [mailto:br...@electricedgesystems.com]
>> Sent: Tuesday, 1 March 2011 11:03 AM
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: Re: How secure is RDS
>> OK then Nic/Mark....
>> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/fcf_ataglance_flex_coldfusion.
>> html
>> Seems to contradict you guys....
>> I'd love a non-webservice and non-RDS enabled solution, but Adobe seems
>> to think RDS is the way??  I am in no way wanting to use RDS and not
>> disagreeing with anyone's comments about its insecurty.
>> ...and please...."it doesn't" is not a solution.  Nic, if you know it
>> you provide the method of using CFCs in Flex that works for you?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Cheers

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