> I'm attemping to create a function that adds spaces either
> in front of or behind a string.

Hi Josh, a couple of things.  First, ColdFusion has the LJustify(),
RJustify(), and CJustify() functions which will do exactly what you're
trying to accomplish already built in.

Second, your function (at a glance) appears that it would work, but
when you say you're only getting one space are you referring to the
actual output, or just what you see on the browser screen after the
page has been rendered?  Remember that in HTML, multiple spaces (or
other whitespace in the output code) will get truncated down to a
single space.  You could wrap the output with <pre></pre> tags to
force it to show all of the whitespace as it exists in the code, or
append the HTML character entity for a space instead (&nbsp;) to force
multiple spaces to show in the output rendering.


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