Wow: LJustify(), RJustify(), and CJustify() functions. Who woulda
thunk it. Brilliant. I guess.

On 22 August 2011 17:37, Justin Scott <> wrote:
>> I'm attemping to create a function that adds spaces either
>> in front of or behind a string.
> Hi Josh, a couple of things.  First, ColdFusion has the LJustify(),
> RJustify(), and CJustify() functions which will do exactly what you're
> trying to accomplish already built in.
> Second, your function (at a glance) appears that it would work, but
> when you say you're only getting one space are you referring to the
> actual output, or just what you see on the browser screen after the
> page has been rendered?  Remember that in HTML, multiple spaces (or
> other whitespace in the output code) will get truncated down to a
> single space.  You could wrap the output with <pre></pre> tags to
> force it to show all of the whitespace as it exists in the code, or
> append the HTML character entity for a space instead (&nbsp;) to force
> multiple spaces to show in the output rendering.
> -Justin

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