If you're displaying this in a browser, then HTML is likely the culprit,
condensing multiple spaces into just one. Use non-breaking spaces (or wrap
your output in <pre> tags) to get HTML to output multiple spaces.

On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Josh Cesana <joshuaces...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> I'm attemping to create a function that adds spaces either in front of or
> behind a string. For example, I want this "test" string to have 6 spaces
> after it, plus the 4 characters in "test" for a total of 10 characters. I
> have an "align" variable for both left and right alignment for the spaces.
> So far, the only result I get is 'test ' instead of 'test      '
>    function spaceFiller(cell, fill, align) {
>        var newcell = "";
>        if (len(cell) EQ 0) {
>            cell = " ";
>        }
>        newcell = cell;
>        for (i=1; i EQ len(fill - (len(cell))); i=i+1) {
>            if (align EQ "R") {
>                newcell = " " & newcell;
>            } else { newcell = newcell & " ";
>            }
>        }
>        return (newcell);
>    }
> <cfoutput>
> 10 characters - align left: '#spaceFiller("test","10","L")#'
> </cfoutput>
> The result I get is 'test ' and what I want is 'test      '
> Any help would be much appreciated - thanks in advance.
> -J

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