I guess I'm confused about the difference between wwwroot and project 
root.  Do people in this type of environment do their code editing in 
the same place as IIS serves the site from?

On 9/14/2011 1:36 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> If wwwroot is not your project root, CFbuilder needs a mapping. Which the
> message tries to give you the place to add it, but with these sort of
> setups, and yours is identical to the way I use them by the sounds of it.
> I have never ever got this to work, even in CFB1.
> Virtual Hosts is not the answer, and really is a misleading, because it
> really is not even needed in the setup.
> But for some reason someone asked for it during the CFB1 alpha/beta and
> nobody understood that it was not needed. But I can be proved wrong if
> someone can clarify its exact purpose that can't be done elsewhere in CFB.
> Now the problem you describe is something that is difficult to work, and I
> have done it, but can't seem to get it to work in CFB2 where I had gotten it
> to work in CFB1.
> But the message is telling you exactly where you need to add the mapping.

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