
Are you using CF 9 Developer Edition on you local machine?  If so, do 
you have it installed as a standalone (single instance) install, or a 
multi-server (J2EE) install?  If standalone, what does your Document 
Root point to on the ColdFusion Server Setup screen for Local Server 
Settings?  Is your Server Home set to "C:\ColdFusion9" or similar?


On 9/14/2011 2:01 PM, Justin Scott wrote:
>> I guess I'm confused about the difference between wwwroot
>> and project root.  Do people in this type of environment do
>> their code editing in the same place as IIS serves the site from?
> I use CFB2 and IIS 7.5 locally and have both set to the same location
> (i.e. the webroot and my project root are the same path).  The OP was
> referring to using the "preview" feature which I don't use; I just
> keep a separate browser window open with the local site loaded and
> browse/refresh from there to test changes.
> -Justi

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