Yeah I do understand that Russ, maybe its more because I use SES and MVC so
I really don't use that side of things.

Secondly as far as two copies goes I think that goes to how people setup
their projects, personally I always create my project and the point IIS to
that wwwroot in that project. That way I don't have two copies at all, at
least until I send it to my staging server.

Andrew Scott

-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Thursday, 15 September 2011 9:01 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: CFBuilder 2 Virtual Hosts


I think your misunderstanding what I mean.

If you have multiple websites in IIS or Apache, every site must be unique in
order to browse them.
There are 3 ways to do this.

different IP address on each site
different port on each site
different host header on each site

host headers is clearly the easiest and best way to remember the url for
each site, and if you do not use the hosts file to do this then you are
going to need a live IP address and to register real domains, which would be
pretty pointless not to mention a waste of money.

As for the project.
If you have the website at c:\inetpub\wwwroot\ and you have your
project at c:\my documents\projects\

This is clearly 2 copies of the files
Perhaps we are talking about different things.

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