What I've done is start a new project in CFBuilder, and pointed the 
project to the folder one step above the IIS site's webroot (which is 
C:\WebApps\App1\wwwroot), so the project folder would be C:\WebApps\App1.

Do I need to set the CFBuilder server's document root to be pointing at 
C:\WebApps\App1\wwwroot also?

Right now, my IIS site runs entirely out of the wwwroot folder (CFCs are 
in subfolders of the wwwroot folder.


On 9/14/2011 4:13 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> Carl,
> Do you have a wwwroot inside your project? If so then you need to look at
> your server settings inside CFB2, that means you need to apply the mappings
> in there, as well as what Russ was saying with the virtual host.
> But if you are like me and also use any form of MVC or SES, then you will
> not get it to work in CFB2.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
> WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
> Google+: http://plus.google.com/108193156965451149543

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