This may sound a little bit odd, but I am surprised that I can't find such a

At the moment I am in development of a custom tag that will take a CF
structure, and create a form from it.  Nothing new, except that I intend to
give the user control of the output to as great an extent as possible.

I have seen custom tags that you can put in fieldnames, and out comes a
terrible form (ie no possibility of adding classes field names, or the table
is formatted badly).  I have also seen custom tags that use a database to
hold lots of information and you can do surveys and statistics and
everything like that.

There isn't a "Take a structure and make a form" kind of tag.  The only
reason I feel this could be important is that it takes out another bit of UI
from the programmer (a bit like using XML) and gives it more to the
designed.  In other words, you pass in a structure and you get out the form.

The other reason it's important is that if you want 40 different forms all
emailed to the same place (which is why I'm making it), you can create these
forms on the fly and change them all at once (ie if you need to add in a
field to every one of them).

What do you think?  Anyone done this?  Do I make sense?  Is it just to late
in the day (in the UK) and I didn't get enough sleep last night or what?


PS I know you can create dynamic forms in various ways.  The whole point of
this is to provide a common interface (ie a CF structure) to a decent "Form
Creator" type of tag.

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