On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Robert Rhodes <rrhode...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Are there any CFScript books out there?  I ordered this onw but it was a
> complete joke.  A total waste of money:
> http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cfscript-lambert-m-surhone/1026883099.

Is there a reason you want to only learn CFScript?  The CFML language has
so many tags and many ways of doing things.  Learning only CFScript may not
serve you well. Attempting to use "all tags" or "all script" is probably
not the best goal IMHO.

Having said that, the Adobe docs are a good starting point for learning
CFScript, but if you want more than that I'd look at a "regular ole CF
Book" like CFWACK, and then look for a CFScript equivalent for what you're
doing if you really need/want one.


Cameron Childress
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