Hi Cameron.  I know CF very well. I been coding in it for many years.  But,
I admit, I am a little tagged out.

Cfscript feels more elegant, and as I learn more and more javascript, it
seems a natural time to try to get completely up to speed on cfscript.

I do wish Adobe would fill out CF so that one could write mostly in
cfscript and avoid cf tags altogether, if desired.  It would also help when
I end up around small-minded coders who scoff at CF merely because of the

Yes, I have answers for those types, like how I can produce the same apps
they can, but in 1/3 the time, or how Adobe puts a lot of development into
the language, which gets us big upgrades every few years -- or how we can
get a live body on the phone when we need one.

But still, I really want to be a cfscripter, and I am looking for a path to
make that happen.  There must be at least a few chapters in some book out
there somewhere, no?

Pete, thank you very much for the cheat sheet. That will come in handy.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 12:25 PM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Robert Rhodes <rrhode...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Are there any CFScript books out there?  I ordered this onw but it was a
> > complete joke.  A total waste of money:
> > http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cfscript-lambert-m-surhone/1026883099.
> >
> Is there a reason you want to only learn CFScript?  The CFML language has
> so many tags and many ways of doing things.  Learning only CFScript may not
> serve you well. Attempting to use "all tags" or "all script" is probably
> not the best goal IMHO.
> Having said that, the Adobe docs are a good starting point for learning
> CFScript, but if you want more than that I'd look at a "regular ole CF
> Book" like CFWACK, and then look for a CFScript equivalent for what you're
> doing if you really need/want one.
> -Cameron
> --
> Cameron Childress
> --
> p:   678.637.5072
> im: cameroncf
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