I don't know, I think that is a decent comparison, maybe a bit GIT biased
but I guess that maybe depends on who wrote it.

I am not sure I know the answer to this, but are there Jira hooks for GIT?
I find these extremely useful when using Jira as a ticketing system so you
can see all the changes made against a certain ticket. I am sure it is
possible, but this would also be another thing to think about when working
with your ticketing system as well.

I have never had any issues with branching, tags and developers merging
back to trunk. It all comes down to discipline and knowing what you need to
do, also never seen any noticeable difference in speed either over time.
But that is because I have never been looking for it either.

I think Mylyn and SVN / Subersive and Jira are a marriage made in heaven.

And lastly the GIT tools are too Geek centralized, in other words you
really need to the right tools and at the moment GIT is behind the eight
ball when it comes to that fact.

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:46 AM, Byron Mann <byronos...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitSvnComparison
> Pretty good comparison. May be a little git bias, but I think it hits the
> major points on the head.
> My personal reason for switching to git were 2 fold. Our code base is
> ridiculous and svn was getting extremely slow, especially things like fresh
> checkouts, and but even decent size checking were getting sketchy.  We also
> had a larger number of people working from home occasionally and not having
> to be connected to svn was a plus.
> Remember to think about where your team will be a year or two down the
> line. You may all work in the same office now but might that change where
> git's distributed qualities may be of benefit?
> On the other hand I agree svn is a simple solution.
> Good luck.
> Byron Mann
> Lead Engineer & Architect
> HostMySite.com

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