I was going to echo what Raymond and Andrew said as well.  Every place I
have worked at had given developers admin rights to their box with the
caveat that we are on our own ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Scott [mailto:andr...@andyscott.id.au] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 9:25 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Source control in CF

I agree with Raymond, any developer should be able to maintain their own CF
and other things. As for Helicon mod_rewrite there is a lite version that
allows developers to run with a few limitations, but as they clearly state
the lite version is great for developers who are developing with a few

And ImageGlue also appears to exclude developers from extra cost, they state
that the purchase is only needed if you want to expose the application to
your clients, shooting them an email to confirm is not a bad idea. But there
OEM license seems to come with some hefty discounts like 60% for 20 servers

And your IT should not be responsible for maintaining developer machines,
your developers should be responsible for that, so why anyone else should
have to maintain that is beyond me but I can understand some government red
tape issues could be a cause. But normally these are not an issue in my

So in a nut shell I personally don't think you have explored your options
fully enough.

I have come across very few license purchases that force developers to
purchase a new license, as they usually dedicate the license to actual
production usage. But if unsure you can always read the products license and
if it is not clear then contacting them and asking them is not that hard of
a task.

Andrew Scott
WebSite: http://www.andyscott.id.au/
Google+:  http://plus.google.com/113032480415921517411

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Raymond Camden

> "While it is true, that the CF Developer licensing does allow for each
> developer to run a CF server locally without paying a license fee, the
> spent by the IT department setting up and supporting 50+ websites (plus
> backend/admin software) on each developer machine does come at a cost."
> Maybe I'm crazy, but if a developer doesn't know how to install
> or install a web server, than they aren't a web developer. (And they can
> learn to this in one hour.) I have _never_ seen an org where IT was
> responsible for setting up base installs like that. That would be like IT
> installing Chrome for you.

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