First of, let me thank all of you for your (quite lively) inputs.

The discussion did spiral a bit out of control in a GIT vs SVN tussle, but I 
understand and can respect that people have strong opinions as to which systems 
they prefer.

I also wholeheartedly agree, that there are certain advantages to be gained by 
each developer having a working copy of the code on their local machines.
I would, however, contest the absoluteness of this as the only way to go.

While it is true, that the CF Developer licensing does allow for each developer 
to run a CF server locally without paying a license fee, the time spent by the 
IT department setting up and supporting 50+ websites (plus our backend/admin 
software) on each developer machine does come at a cost.
Add in the cost of additional licenses for 3rd party components (like ImageGlue 
or ISAPI rewrite for example) and the cost of being able to run code locally 
can add up quite quickly.

For us at least, running on a shared codebase with 1 development server and all 
code available via a webpath (usually mounted as a drive for convenience) works 
quite well and has done so without major snafus for 10+ years.

Is this an "oldschool approach"? Very much so.
Is it a good solution? Maybe not for every company, but it works for us.

I understand, that our setup makes running version/source control very 
difficult and it is a conclusion that I feared I might reach, when I posted the 
question initially.

I think that I may have to go back and have a long, hard think about how we 
will proceed from here.

If any of you, who are running a setup where each developer runs the code 
locally, I would be very appreciative if you could give me 30 minutes to an 
hour of your time, so I might pick your brain as to how you have gone about 
getting this setup and how you maintain it (I think this is probably best done 
over Skype).

So once again, thank you guys so much for all your input :) 

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