> The adobe document which describes what to
> do is dated Mai 2010, almost 4 years old.

Indeed, and yet people still install the base server, run credit card
transactions through it without patching the server, following the
lockdown guide, or otherwise following good security practices and
then when their site gets owned, CF gets the blame.  Granted there are
occasionally vulnerabilities found, just like there are
vulnerabilities in Windows, *nix, and pretty much every other piece of
software that faces the Internet.  If the system admins, hosting
companies, and developers who run the CF servers don't keep up on the
security bulletins and apply patches when released/tested, it makes
the rest of us look bad and gives CF a bad reputation to non-CF
developers.  Case in point, my company recently hired a Flash
developer to do some work and when he saw the .cfm extension on some
of our API calls he actually offered us security consulting services
(yeah, from a Flash developer) because obviously we don't know what
we're doing if we are running CF on the back-end.  His attitude was
that if we're running CF we are probably already hacked and don't know
it yet.  Bah!  Developing applications is complicated enough without
the tool being constantly berated in the industry.

So anyway, that's your homework assignment for tonight.  Go find out
if your server is patched and locked down.  I don't care if you run
your own server, have an in-house system admin, or use an outside
hosting company.  Find out what the patch level is and whether it's
been locked down properly.  Go use hackmycf.com to find trouble spots
if you can.  If the server isn't patched, make that your mission.  Go
patch and lock down your servers people!  I don't want to see Brian
Krebs featuring your site next week unless it's in the vein of "wow,
these CF people really got their s*** together!".


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