To be fair, I posted that before I saw his post about it not being his
choice.  My statement however, stands.  ROI on a conversion from CF to
PHP simply for security reasons trends to nil.  The only good reason
I've ever heard for the switch is the cost of CF server software, and
now that Railo exists, even that is no longer valid.

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 2:53 AM, Russ Michaels <> wrote:
> no come on guys be fair, he is just the developer and he has stated that he
> has no control over this.
> Most developers are in the same boat, the management have no interest in
> their advice or opinion, I have worked/contracted at many such places over
> the years and it is very frustrating to watch people make stupid decisions,
> but what can you do.

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