In cases like this you turn the tables, turn the negativity of it being old
and turn it around to being positive for example.

Customer: Isn't ColdFusion and old out dated language.

Sales: Not at all, yes it is roughly older or same age as PHP. But the team
at Adobe have made leaps and bounds in security features as a priority,
something that PHP don't or have not offered.

Customer: But what about all the known exploits recently.

Sales: Yes that was unfortunate, but the reality is that ColdFusion was
affected by an exploit in IIS. Which no language installed on the system
was safe from.

Customer: So your saying ColdFusion is still very active?

Sales: Very much so, in fact ColdFusion 11 and 12 are being worked on at
the moment, with even more emphasis on security in these versions.
Something that we have not noticed in the likes of PHP.

It isn't hard to turn a negative into a positive and any decent Sales guy
would know that.

Andrew Scott

On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 7:22 AM, Robert Harrison <
> wrote:

> > Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I always hate to hear it when people throw
> away perfectly good code.
> Me too. I have CF solutions for almost every issue that's reared its' head
> in the last 15 years and tons of great code built into highly configurable
> CFC's... nonetheless, CF technology has become a hard-sell these days and
> the sales team can't sell it any longer.   Most new clients see CF as old
> and outdated technology with no future... and their IT departments don't
> want CF because of that belief.  It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
>  Unfortunately, Adobe has little to nothing to help CFs' image problem.
> Robert Harrison
> Director of Interactive Services
> Austin & Williams
> Advertising I Branding I Digital I Direct
> 125 Kennedy Drive,  Suite 100   I  Hauppauge, NY 11788
> T 631.231.6600 X 119   F 631.434.7022
> Blog:
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