I can't say I've read every post, but I have read most.

One point I'd like to take up is this business of the CF install and
security.  I've seen all sorts of statements made about sys admins and their
duties which as a past sys admin and IT Manager I found interesting.

The idea that any application is installed on a server that is open to the
internet, or even if used internally, should be installed in such a way that
is open to hacking by default is, quite frankly, ridiculous.

I have been responsible for corporate level global infrastructures including
the use of firewalls, VPNs, etc.  If you have ever worked with any high
standard product you will be aware that features remained closed by default.
You don't install a firewall and find all the ports are open and you have to
select which to close, quite the reverse.

The notion that it's the sys admins fault if a product installs in an
unsecure way beggers belief.

I recognise that PHP and .Net aren't exactly perfect, but for CF to have a
backdoor entry point as standard in the install is plainly stupid and it has
not helped sell CF as an option.

Sure, not all sys admins have the sort of skill set one would expect, I have
certainly come across a few of these in my 30 years in IT.  However, a sys
admin has plenty enough to deal with without being having intrinsically bad
application installs thrown at him or her.

My tuppenth.

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