Apparently they are teaching these tags now in what used to be the Fast
Track to CF classes.  The last position I was in, the "lead" developer there
was insistent on using them because he just learned them in the class.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Von Stetten [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 11:28 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Unable to add text to HTML HEAD tag

Rewrite the whole thing right now? No.  I would progressively replace CF UI
tags with clean JS frameworks or custom JS as you touch each section of your
application.  You'll find fewer and fewer people are using the CF UI tags
and therefore less and less assistance available.  And most of the CF UI tag
problems people seek assistance with are directly related to
shortcomings/bugs in said tags that will probably never be fixed by Adobe.
Considering that the CF UI stuff is built on top of JS libraries that are
several versions (and several years) old, you are far better off investing
in implementing current versions of JS libraries yourself and reaping the
benefits of the cumulative feature improvements/bug fixes of those

Just my $0.01 (inflation sucks, don't it) -Carl V.

On 5/7/2014 8:35 AM, John Pullam wrote:
> So you suggest going back and rewriting a 50,000 line application in order
to resolve the problem? Not a very practical solution, I'm afraid.
> Does anyone have a more realistic suggestion?

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