It's too bad you feel that way. You asked an open-ended question ("Any
suggestions?"), and I gave you the best advice I can give. If I were
personally tackling the problem you face, I would do so exactly as I
suggested. I won't apologize for that, because it is exceptionally sound
advice, and was a direct answer to the exact question you asked.
Additionally, I did not in any way, shape, or form criticize you or anyone
else, and I certainly formed no opinion on your intellect or experience

On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 2:21 PM, John Pullam <>wrote:

> I don't dispute that rewriting it might be the best long term solution.
> And perhaps doing it in pieces is smart too (although I'd hate to be the
> person who had to maintain the application when it is in the middle.)
> But I wasn't asking for advice on CF programming strategy, rather I was
> looking for help on one particular problem, after having spent a few hours
> with no results from searches and tests.
> It annoys me (and I'm sure others) when people feel compelled to
> advise/lecture on programming techniques rather than discuss the issue. It
> also detracts from the quality of discussion because who wants to put
> themselves up for that criticism? Clearly anyone who advises me on my
> problem must be as dumb and inexperienced as I am!
> I will probably get very little additional feedback on this question
> because of that response.

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