I appreciate the feedback received on this and some of the ensuing discussion. 

On the technical side, it was a cfajaximport tag on which it failed. But as I 
mentioned earlier, it still failed when that tag was removed. Thanx to one 
suggestion I got it to work by moving the entire cfwindow up (but still inside 
the body tag). I had already looked at all those articles that have been 
mentioned and none of them did a thing or applied to my case. But I appreciate 
the suggestions because if I hadn't done my research before posting, that would 
have given me more useful things to do.

FWIW, I have been there and done that too (been a programmer for nearly 50 
years) so I believe I'm qualified to participate in the discussion about giving 
help. My concern is that on any number of posts I read, I have found some 
responders who prefer to give technique advice rather than deal with the issue 
at hand. Yes, I know that some folks need that, but often the tone of the 
response comes across like I'm smarter than you. If the responder had the 
sensitivity to phrase their words like "you may already know this, but what you 
are doing is no longer considered best practice in the industry" it would be a 
lot easier to handle. But derailing a thread into a discussion of what is a 
better practice rarely helps get the issue solved in short term.

On the specific issue of the CF UI stuff, I agree that most of it is poor. I 
have wasted numerous hours myself and thrown away things like cfgrid. 
Fortunately, apart from the differences from CF8 to CF9, the cwindow code has 
been excellent in my apps so I am in no hurry to rewrite all that code. 

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