I love Hostek. I’m a reseller with dozens of sites there.
Strong, 24/7 ColdFusion-Knowlegable support!
Patrick (A7.net)

> On Mar 26, 2015, at 10:35 PM, Byron Mann <byronos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry I cannot comment on Hostek, but I would recommend working with your
> host and getting to the root of the issue before putting in the work on
> moving things. I just know that can be a hassle and you could wind up in
> the same place as you are today.
> So some recommendations.
> - Get your provider to move the site to another server. Even if it's
> temporary to see if the server is the issue. Maybe they can just provide
> another temp account for free. This way the db can stay where it is and
> just gave to move the files.
> - Put another simple php app on your site. This would help narrow down php
> on the server or your php instance (depending on their config) as the
> issue.
> - Disable your Wordpress plugins one by one to see if one is at fault. I
> know you stated these aren't the issue, but worth trying.
> - Check web logs to see if someone is leeching your Wordpress content and
> beating up your site.
> - Use a Wordpress caching plugin, you should do this anyway as Wordpress
> usually runs like doodie without one anyway.
> - Run the site through something like pingdom.com/tools, which will break
> down the load times and from where. Could be a plugin loading content from
> another site that is the issue and this would show it.
> - Check the html source, possible that your Wordpress site is compromised
> and there is some hidden content or something in the page causing a slow
> down.
> If you wanted to share the site, I'm sure some people on the list might be
> able to offer some insight.
> On Mar 26, 2015 7:05 PM, "Mark Spence" <markpence...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I am currently using Newtek/Crystaltek for a client site and have a couple
>> of issues with them I am able to resolve.  The site has been with them for
>> several years.
>> 1.  Lately the Wordpress portion of the site has become slow and I can't
>> figure out why.  It's not the db and it is not the plug-ins.  It's a simple
>> site with not many posts or widgets and it should be faster.  The CF
>> portion of the site is fast.
>> 2.  They don't support http compression.  This is more a minor annoyance,
>> but it is something I want.
>> So I am looking at the Hostek Personal Plus for $7.99 CF shared hosting.
>> Has anyone used both hosts and can compare the two?  Will I see a
>> performance difference?

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