
Well said!

I would add one very important thing... actually 2 related things:

CF facilitates or encourages writing human-readable, 
self-documenting, code better than any programming language I have 
seen or used.

This means that you, or someone else, can easily read and understand 
your program  6 months down the road.

Program maintenance is faster, easier and costs much less over time.

I shudder to recall those heady days when the popular challenge was 
"I can write that APL program in 1 line".... but I don't remember 
what it does... and can't figure out how it does it! (Ken Iversen is 
probably raveling (,) in his grave).

Or John Draper screaming at the top of his lungs at a PC because he 
could not get changes to his IBM/PC word processor (written in Forth) 
to work... and his document rolled up, off the screen, into the vapor.

.... or counting parens in LITHP.

.... or the mind-numbing verbosity of the Data Section in CoBOL

.... or trying to enter the proper state of mind to understand "the 
magic of Pearl"... TIMTOWTDIW... There Is More Than One Way To Do IT 

Your description of ASP/VB is apt... it really is a Troll.

Like you, I've written the, ah... Native-American program in 
more languages than I care to remember.

Cold Fusion may not be the "Best of All Time", but it is very well 
suited for the job at hand.


P.S.  The first programming language I learned was SOAP... the first 
I was paid to use was FARGO

P.P.S.  I can write that SQL Query and Display the output in 2 lines 
of code (cfquery and cfoutput).  There, I've said it!

At 12:27 AM -0400 4/25/01, Peter Theobald wrote:
>I seem to be the exception rather than the rule around here. I am 
>NOT a graphic artist/webmaster learning his first programming 
>language. I am a trained programmer with years of experience 
>programming many different systems.
>I probably know more computer languages than many of you have heard 
>of ( Cold Fusion, Java, Perl, PHP, SQL, Javascript, HTML, C++, C, 
>Basic, LISP, Forth, Fortran, TCL/Tk, Pascal, Modula-2, COBOL, 
>SNOBOL, Prolog, APL, HyperCard, Bash/SH/CSH/KSH, Bliss, Assembly: 
>Intel, M68000, Z80, 6502, and many many more)
>For me Cold Fusion's appeal is NOT it's easy learning curve 
>(although it IS easy to learn). It is that it is the FASTEST 
>development environment available to me for producing bug-free, 
>efficient, powerful web sites.
>I don't develop in ASP/VB because it is an ugly, error prone 
>language that slows me down with too many details.
>I don't develop (much) in Java because, while it's a beautiful well 
>designed language, it also slows me down with too many unimportant 
>I also love Perl for it's power (though pity the newcomer trying to 
>learn it :-) ) but again, it is not the optimal web programming 
>In Cold Fusion I can GET THE JOB DONE. All my customers care about 
>is that I deliver the best possible web site in the shortest time 
>for the least cost. Cold Fusion let's me do that. My customers are 
>happy, so I am happy.
>In Cold Fusion I can hand off components of a site to junior 
>programmers and they will be very productive.
>And in Cold Fusion I can switch from WinNT/Win2K hosting to Linux 
>hosting to Solaris hosting if I need to with a minimum of trouble. I 
>can also switch from SQL Server to Sybase to Oracle with a minimum 
>of trouble. Try THAT in ASP!
>Sorry to rant, but, yes, in my opinion CF is more relevant than ever.

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