----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave Watts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: RE: New CF5 Partner Hosting License

> > i don't think figleaf is a CF-only shop.
> >
> > autobytel is more or less a CF-only shop (i worked there for
> > a year and a half) but they're not in the business of hosting
> > applications for 3rd parties.
> >
> > my guess is this *probably* doesn't adversely affect the core
> > business of either.
> No, the new CF 5 hosting licensing doesn't affect Fig Leaf in the least.
> don't do hosting, and our applications end up being deployed on dedicated
> servers owned or leased by our clients at the hosting facilities of their
> choice. The cost of application server software ends up being a very small
> item in the total cost of developing, deploying and maintaining an
> enterprise application.
> And, not to make the very vocal portion of folks who have very strong
> negative opinions about this even angrier, the constant increase of the
> price of CF, as it continues to include new features for application
> development, isn't a bad thing for us. At this point, it looks like CF 5
> will ship with Macromedia Generator 2 Enterprise Edition "in-the-box".
> quite a few of our applications use both CF and Generator already
> requiring separate installations and separate licensing), this is probably
> good thing.
> As I see it, there simply isn't much other direction for CF to go except
> (in feature-set and price). Comparisons with PHP and ASP are kind of
> as neither of those products has a relationship to a vendor in the
> traditional sense. PHP is simply free, with no vendor at all, and ASP is
> even worse - a product that, despite having a vendor, doesn't exist to
> money at all! ASP is just a way for Microsoft to sell more copies of NT/2K
> and Visual Studio. Macromedia doesn't exist in this sort of happy
> - they've got a decent product in a pretty competitive environment, and
> feel (rightly or wrongly) that their product's survival rests with the
> ability to compete at the high end, since the low-end products are free.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444

So, you're saying Macromedia is _purposely_ trying to get out of being an
application server for low-end, shared hosting?  And they're doing this by
making it prohibitively expensive for hosting providers.  I think you're
onto something.


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