On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 12:48:48 -0500, in cf-talk you wrote:

>What would happen, for example, if your program received a value for
>Form.myvar, and a different value for URL.myvar? 


In my apps, the form variable would "win" the spot in the attributes
scope. Not a problem.

>My complaint with this technique is the same, essentially, as my complaint
>with using the Request scope to share data between custom tags and their
>calling pages. It breaks the model of defined inputs and outputs.

I think those two issues are apples and oranges. In the case of the
request scope and custom tags, I agree with you. A custom tag
shouldn't be "reaching out" to grab its data from global variables...
that data should be explicitly sent into the tag.

But in the case of the formurl2attributes thing, nothing is
breaking... attributes is as valid an input scope as form or url.
There's no "reaching out" involved.

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