> Just a thought off the top of my head,
> Premise: Local Vars do not need to be cflocked
> Why not
> 1) copy the session structure to a temporary local 
> structure in Application.cfm:
>       <cflock ...>
>               <cfset session_temp = structcopy(session)>
>       </cflock>
> 2) Reference the temp structure in all templates:
>       <cfif isdefined("session_temp.blah")>... </cfif>
> 3) Set the session struct equal to the temp struct in 
> OnRequestEnd.cfm
>       <cflock ...>
>               <cfset session = structcopy(session_temp)>
>       </cflock>
> I know this probably wouldn't work in the application scope 
> due to the execution time for each template: data might be 
> overwritten by multiple users; but in the session scope, it 
> seems to make sense.

Many others have had this thought, to the degree that there's an example of
this in the official Macromedia courseware ("Advanced ColdFusion

However, it's been my experience that, in most cases, this doesn't work very
well in the real world. Copying the entire scope into a local variable is
very expensive, and causes problems under load. We actually tried
implementing this in an application, but had to revert to the practice of
simply locking variables as appropriate within a page.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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