Alright, I will join the discussion here as well, except I will come at
it from the standpoint of CFMX/Neo and ASP.NET.  However, many of the
same arguments are still valid from CF5 and ASP 3.0, such as multiple
platform support for ColdFusion.

I love the ColdFusion Component concept in CFMX, and the ability to call
them as web services.  ASP.NET has made HUGE strides over traditional
ASP, especially in the management of DLL's (this is actually a benefit
of the .NET Framework, not ASP.NET).  Also, ADO.NET is greatly improved
over traditional ADO.  Lastly, with .NET, you have a suite of languages
that can all talk to each other, pass data back and forth very easily,

However, ColdFusion still has more built-in functionality that I like.
Its still easier, still faster to develop on, and CFMX is even faster
than CF5.  

So which to go with?  To me, it is still dependent on the application(s)
you are developing, your web/app servers that you intend to run them on,
and cost (including software purchase AND development time).  If you are
already a CF shop with little or no ASP background, stay with CF.  I
guarantee you that CFMX is worth the wait!



Paul W. Wille           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Certified Advanced ColdFusion 5 Developer
ISITE Design, Inc. -- Solutions Architect
615 SW Broadway, Suite 200
Portland, OR 97205
503.221.9860 x110

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:29 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF VS ASP <- let the trolling being

Yeah, for sure, maybe some people need to get together and create that,
we use PHP here as well, my opinion of PHP is worse then ASP, not very
fond of it at all, but that is my opinion. Anything is better then PERL
anyways, heh

I think CF5 blows ASP out of the water, like comparing an old Married
with Children type of Dodge to a Corvette


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:14 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF VS ASP <- let the trolling being

The only problem you have is that you are going to find alot of
comparing CF4.0 and ASP/IIS3.0. i would love to see a comparison
CF5.0, ASP/IIS5.0, and PHP4.

Anthony Petruzzi

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 2:13 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF VS ASP <- let the trolling being

Yeah, I thought this would get quite a bit of response, but I would
really like the information to share with my current employer who wants
to move from CF to ASP and get rid of CF, which I do not want to do at
all, and I only know a little ASP, and from what I do know, I do not
like it. 


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 10:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF VS ASP <- let the trolling being

gentlemen (and ladies) start your engines

Anthony Petruzzi

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 2:03 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF VS ASP

OK, I have been looking for some things on the net that shows the pros
and cons of CF as opposed to ASP. Knowing very little ASP myself, I do
not know the many differences. Anyone know where I can find this? Pretty
much looking for development time differences, execution speed, security
and scalability at a bare minimum. Anyone know where I can find this?


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