
I won't try to talk for everyone here however, as a developer who spends
more time in code then in the look and feel part of a web page, I an see why
everyone is getting a little rude here.  We as Cold Fusion developers have
enjoyed a relationship with Allaire that made us feel as if we were
extremely valued, because we were. We were the primary (or at least
influencers to the primary) source of revenue for allaire. Now, Allaire is
no more.  Macromedia has come in and apparently shifted that view.  No
longer are the coders paramount but rather the desktop publishers/graphic
artist types.  Now you (Macromedia) drop our favorite tool, replace it with
something that is more geared to the WSYIWYG-S editor types and we are left
in the cold.

On top of that, in this thread alone, your replies have been more like "get
used to it" rather then "let us see what we can do to fix this situation".
We are not used to that.  Hell, if I were to imply that to my customers, I
would be fired.  Which brings me to my point.  It appears at first glance
that the old group of developers are no longer your customer, we are just
leftovers.  You are hitting people in their sense of security even if it is
only perception and saying or doing nothing to make us feel different.

We are discussing details on an IDE, which by itself is somewhat benign, but
if you look at the overall attitude (and perceived direction) of Macromedia,
you should be able to easily see why we are getting a bit worried and/or
frustrated with the situation.

      C H R I S  S T O N E R

      time warner cable
      tampa bay division

-----Original Message-----
From: Christine Lawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 10:15 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

Hi Everyone,
I know Mike Chambers and Nathan Stanford already pointed this out, but Neil
is not a Macromedia employee. He's a Team Macromedia member, but not an
employee, and his views are his own - not Macromedia's. Anyhow, I've been
using CF Studio for a long time, I'm also one of the CF'ers Vernon spoke to
yesterday and we went through the differences between CF Studio and
Dreamweaver MX. I know a number of people on this list from the Allaire days
and I (and everyone else at Macromedia) value *all* of your feedback. I know
Vernon already pointed out the wishform, and yup, I'm going to point it out
again :) PLEASE post
your feedback, it really can help develop future versions of our products...
However, I'm also going to go through each and every one of these messages
and make my own summary of your wants/needs/opinions so your feedback is
organized and clear. If I find something that can be done in Dreamweaver,
I'll be sure to post with the steps. In the meantime I have one request:
please, please, please, can we be polite when we post? I know the majority
of people have been but Michael Dinowitz has been nice enough to host this
list for us - we're all in the same boat here let's please respect one
another's opinions.

I hope this helps, now I'm on to organizing your feedback...

Christine Lawson
Macromedia Technical Support

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark A. Kruger - CFG [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 9:01 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

*********** you wrote *****************
OK so now we're being told by MM what is and is NOT good practice, dont seem
right to me lol
we should be able to access files directly with RDS/FTp
of course mistakes happen but you'll have people making mistakes with this
style of doing it too.
Did you get alot of people yelling at MM saying OHHH because i was able to
access files directly with RDS i fubared my whole site
and i'm going to sue MM?? No they said damnit i goofed and fixed it.

Somewhat ironic as well - considering the amount of time I have to take on a
regular basis hand editing DW files so they conform to our coding
standards - sometimes I can't believe all the crap DW puts in the files my
content people save to the site. But (sigh), I guess I'm just a careless RDS
users (LOL).

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