Dear Macormedia,

Can't you just understand that there are LOTS of us out here that have no
use for the design studio which Dreamweaver MX is?  You know, some people
can simply see a page layout in their head, and can code the page much
faster than using the bulky interface that DWMX is.  Why is it such a
stretch to offer just the good ole CFStudio product?  We've proven time and
again we're willing to pay for a good product.  CFStudio just makes good
sense for a whole class of MM users.  Call it CF Coder MX or something like
that.  But please don't force us to use DWMX.  For example, here we have a
design shop and we're installing a content management system across campus.
Guess how much designing I'm going to be doing in my development work.
 Zero - zilch - nada - nothing!  Why would I want to be slowed down by DWMX?
I have no qualms about DWMX for designers and designers/developers who want
and have use for such a product.  But for pure coders/developers - it's just
not the answer!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn Grover" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 12:09 PM
Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

Neil, this comment is toooo generalized.  I myself really don't care what
tool I use.  I care that the tool I use be able to conform to how I work -
not me conforming to the limitations/functions/procedures of the tool.

I HAVE used Dreamweaver/UltraDev to develop a dynamic ASP site, and have
done a quick eval of DWMX.  And have no real complaints about the design
side of things.  But to make things work right, or optimize code, then I
would have to go to code level.  Dreamweaver was NOT a good tool for that
level of work.  It's looking like it is a better tool now with the MX
version.  But it still forces me to conform to how IT works, not it
conforming to how I work.

So, to say that I have never used Dreamweaver, and panicked that Studio was
being axed is not accurate at all.  Afterall, if I were concerned about
Studio being axed, then I'd just keep using the current version - no axe

In my opinion, and I do mean this politely, you need to reevaluate why some
of us developers are expressing concerns.  Nobody is saying that DW is a bad
product - quite the contrary.  I think everyone agrees that DW is an
excellent tool - but geared towards Designers, not Coders.  You yourself say
you use BOTH DW and Studio - so, you should fully understand why this thread
has continued for so long.

I'm looking forward to the day I can use DW exclusivly, but until it
conforms to how I work, and stops telling me how I "should" be working, I
doubt I'll ever use it in that manner.

My thoughts.

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Clark - =TMM= [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 3:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Macromedia Folks: What are you thinking?

>I know I sound like a DW-ite and that I am towing the Macromedia "party
>line", but as a Dreamweaver and Studio user who has seen them evolve
>over 4 odd years I can understand where its deficiencies arise and where
>its strengths lie.  The problem others are having is that they never
>used Dreamweaver and were Studio-ites and panicked that Studio was being

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