Hi Joshua,

To keep Homesite+ ; Yep, I think that was the thought from the outset -
Dreamweaver will probably always ship with a tool geared toward the
handcoder - it is just now that the handcoder's they have are old Studio
Users, so to keep *us* happy we get Homesite+ (I think the name had to
change to avoid confusion - ColdFusion Studio would have implied that it
is only CF when it is obviously more!).

I am sure that people will continue to use ColdFusion Studio though -
and simply hand code things like the CFC tags etc.

I personally do not use Dreamweaver as a development tool for say
ColdFusion - i.e. I do not use it (not trust it) to help me write
CFML/cfscript.   I prefer to handcode these side of things as DW cannot
match the human characteristics of coding.  I doubt I ever will use it
for this - I use Dreamweaver as a quick and easy way for me to do things
that may take me 5-10mins in Studio (which, Phil is the trade-off for
having a site defined).  I can build a complex CFC in say 3 mins where
it may take me 10mins in Studio.  Dreamweaver does have a long way
before it becomes a robust coding IDE, but its getting there - it has
been flagged to the DWET so rest assured its being looked at!

As for the opening files via FTP/RDS, I still think that it is bad
practice, working directly onto/off a server is not good, especially for
files which requite complex parsing, which could be corrupted and lead
to zero-length.  If you are working on 200+ sites, you need to share the
load :-)  people make mistakes, especially overworked ones - DW helps.

Yes, DWMX is a little hi on the memory side of things; mainly because of
the way it is contructed - Javascript and XML; Homesite+ (and Studio)
only has about a 4Mb footprint but it only has around 4% of DWMX
functionility  :-)

I have used Studio (and/or a handcoding tool) and Dreamweaver side by
side for around 4 years, and I have no intention to stop.  Macromedia
certainly did not think that Dreamweaver would fill the gap that Studio
left, in fact its the opposite, they supply HS+ as they see that
Dreamweaver falters in some ares - and probably will never fill.  AFAIK
the Studio Engineering Team are all hard at work with HS+ and they
should be around for HS++ or whatever it will be called!!!

I know I sound like a DW-ite and that I am towing the Macromedia "party
line", but as a Dreamweaver and Studio user who has seen them evolve
over 4 odd years I can understand where its deficiencies arise and where
its strengths lie.  The problem others are having is that they never
used Dreamweaver and were Studio-ites and panicked that Studio was being

Rest assured that Macromedia will have an upgrade package for current
Studio/Ultradev users etc... which will mean that they will get
effectively an upgrade to Studio and see it that they are getting a new
version of Dreamweaver to play with when they please!


Neil Clark
Team Macromedia

Announcing Macromedia MX!! 

Yeah, just keep HomeSite+ alive and I'm sure you'll get a lot less grief
from this list.

There's no need to remove, discontinue or eliminate that product, it's
gold - especially if it now contains all the features from Studio.

Joshua Miller

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