At 10:25 AM 5/7/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>OK, so as I sit here reading these rants about DWMX and RDS - which is
>great since it's apparently not what you CFers want -  it makes me
>wonder, since I haven't tried CFMX or DWMX, and I don't use RDS at all
>but would like to eventually, when I figure out how - does RDS still
>work with CFMX?

  It does.

>  If it does, then why isn't it in the DWMX? If it
>doesn't, then why is it in CFMX?

  It is.  Although, you have to create a site.  You can't access RDS 

>Can you use RDS on the server without
>having it in your coding application (DWMX)?

  Yes, RDS can still be set up on the server no matter what you write your 
code in.  If that wasn't what you asked, I didn't understand the question.

>And then, if it is in CFMX, then why not just stay with CFStudio?  I'm
>sure that somebody will figure out how to make CFStudio 4.5 or 5.0 nice
>to work with CFMX.

  I agree and I believe that someone will.  The sooner the better.  :)

Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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