At 02:04 PM 5/10/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> > Anyone have any good links or resources for building
> > a clustered Cold Fusion environment?
> >
> > Have a potential project coming up where I can
> > see the need to do something more enterprise level -
> > db/email/storage/www all on separate boxes...
>Fortunately, there's very little that's CF-specific when it comes to
>clustering. However, from my reading of your email, it looks like you may be
>talking about something other than clustering. What do you mean by
>"db/email/storage/www all on separate boxes" exactly?

  I believe that he is saying he wants to have one machine for his web 
server.  One machine for his database server, and one machine for his email 
server.  I'm not sure what he means by storage.

  While I believe keeping the E-mail server / DB server / web server is a 
good idea and can give performance improvements over keeping them all on a 
single server, I don't think it has anything to do with 
clustering.  Someone once suggested to me to try that approach before you 
add any clustering functionality into play.

Jeffry Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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