> > We're not a hosting house, and from my perspective, free beats cheap. 
> > thing is, WebSite doesn't really offer any features that IIS doesn't, 
>and I
> > don't think it's any better than IIS, really. IIS has to be set up
> > correctly, but that's pretty trivial to do. In that sense, I'm a 
> > IIS user.
> >
> > Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>Even if it means having to apply a patch every other day?  Just curious.
>Ever since IIS started getting hacked left and right, I started leaning
>towards Apache.  Not starting a fight here, just having a discussion.

I'm just curious (since this thread is still active), is a product like 
Apache or other non-IIS products *proven* to be more secure, assuming you 
disable the IIS features you don't need and apply the appropriate patches? 
That's not a rhetorical question, I'm really asking for people's opinions.

See, I've been of the school of thought lately that, while IIS does have its 
security flaws, I think that they get magnified 1000% because it's a 
Microsoft product, and hackers and the press will do anything they can to 
rip Microsoft. For example, Oracle touted Oracle9i as being "unbreakable." 
However, if you go and look at the security patches they've released for it 
(a veritable library, not just one or two little things), it clearly was 
"breakable!" However, because Oracle isn't as disliked by hackers or the 
press as Microsoft is, you don't read about it on the front page of 
technical web sites. As far as Apache and even Linux go, are they truly more 
secure? It seems to me that those willing to try are more focused on hacking 
MS products, and therefore Apache and Linux are as heavily scrutinized. 
Again, I'm not claiming that as fact, it's just my impression.

I will concede that MS has had some pretty glaring security holes in the 
past with not just IIS, by other products as well. As a side note for those 
who haven't read or heard about it, criticism has gotten so bad that the MS 
has shifted raises and bonuses from being release-based (i.e., did your team 
release a product this year) to security-based (i.e., the fewer security 
flaws found, the higher your raise/bonus). To me, that's a step in the right 

But anyway, we use Apache here at my job. While I have no complaints about 
it, I would argue that it's "more secure" (inherently, not after 
re-programming modules and such) because you have to be a true programmer to 
really get into the meat of the product and mess around. You can't just go 
into a GUI interface and click a few buttons to disable it.



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