for tables with small records, this might be ok.  But think about a
transaction table - potentially hundreds of transactions a day.  For the
first bit, this might work well. But eventually your system will bog down
while it tries to find an un-used ID.

Also, to generate your random number, you have to predetermine the upper
limit (numbers from 1 to 1,000,000 say, or more even).  This will limit your
system to X number of records (whatever your upper limit is).

So, in larger applications random numbers are probably not the best

Shawn Grover

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2002 3:23 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Hacking" a shared SQL server

Coming out of left field here as I haven't read everything but what about in
your code getting a random number, checking to make sure its not in your
table then insert it.  Just run a loop.  

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 06/06/02 03:52PM >>>
> Actually there is nothing wrong with using an integer for a primary key.
> The trick is to make sure they aren't in sequence, so that people can't
> guess other keys.

    Do you have any methods for creating non-sequenced integer primary keys
that aren't a performance hit?  I can think of two:

-- Have a single table with a bunch of integers in random order.

This seems a bit cumbersome to me, but definitely possible.

-- Have your primary keys based off an algorithm.

Technically, still a sequence, but definitely not as easy to figure out.
You'd have to make sure this was implemented site-wide.  Perhaps a stored
procedure to pull the next based on the previous one.

Ben Johnson
Hostworks, Inc.

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