> But are they running a shared host with sandbox security? Or do they
> only run code they consider trusted?
> Although there are probably thousands of systems around running CF
> 4.5.x, I would be surprised if there were more than a couple of dozen
> running shared hosting services, and less then 10 with a Sandbox
> Security setup that makes them comparable.

They USED to run on a shared 3.1 server, but moved the sites to their
own 4.51 server - the company that hosts the machine they were on don't
want to upgrade, because the sites run perfectly well on 3.1

The funny thing is that all of the apps run on Access, and even their
SQL Server didn't have login passwords, all datasources were open to

I think the hosters have gone Chapter 11 now though... I wonder why <g>

Philip Arnold
Technical Director
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
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