
Content Management, like Customer Relationship Management, tends to be used
to mean different things to different people and many clients don't
understand which aspect is important to them and why.

When I was at GE Information Services, they had two issues.  First was
balancing local control / divisional control of content to corporate
branding and quality standards and the second was a usability issue with
delivering the right content to the right employees and customers.  While
they were somewhat aware of the issues, I had to clarify it for them and
make the business case for what should come first and second.

As it turned out, managing the content creation process was the first issue
they had to solve.  Cleaning up old and conflicting pages and presentation
styles was a huge issue. This had to be accomplished keeping in mind what
was likely to be a significant move to dynamic content next.

Another client, a large insurance company, had focused on relatively fixed
content versus transactional information matched to dynamic content.  I
helped them understand the interdependencies and created the need for an
entirely different infrastructure to support the new integration

Bottom line, they need you to help them articulate their issues first, then
help them solve them with the appropriate solutions.  If you wait for them
to deliver clearly defined requirements (which never really happens) you end
up being looked at as a commodity versus a value added partner.

-----Original Message-----
From: S. Isaac Dealey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 10:29 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Content Management

Hello all,

I'm new to the cf-talk list although I've been working with ColdFusion for 5
years. I got started on a "mission critical" intranet app at MCI / Worldcom
where I worked for about 6 months before they finalized the merger and the
job evaporated. That was CF 3.0 just before Allaire's second wind. :)

I'm curious to know what members of the list think about the subject of
content management or CMS.

Do your clients often ask for tools to allow their not-so-technical staff to
update their own websites? and if so, how do you address the issue? Do you
build something for them in-house, figure out what their requirements are
and offer them a list of existing solutions or just tell them their best bet
is to hire more web staff? ...

Do you have a preferred package and if so which and why?

How many of you still have active client sites on Spectra?

Admittedly I have an ulterior motive. :) Over the past 3 years I developed a
content management system myself which you can see at and I'm now trying to make a serious effort at
marketing, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Isaac Dealey

new epoch

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