Isaac, we implement every site we do using a CMS of our own design. It's
better for the clients, but it's also easier and faster for us! I think
there's definitely a market for it, but often you have to create it as you
go by explaining the benefits etc. We are just starting to license it to
other developers but finding quite substantial support issues with that. Our
CMS is targetted at smaller businesses but we are planning to split it into
an easy to use small business version and a sophisticated enterprise version
later this year.

I think a lot of developers can see the potential, but few have the time or
skills to build their own. So, yeah I think they've got a good future.

----- Original Message -----
From: "S. Isaac Dealey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2002 3:28 PM
Subject: Content Management

> Hello all,
> I'm new to the cf-talk list although I've been working with ColdFusion for
> years. I got started on a "mission critical" intranet app at MCI /
> where I worked for about 6 months before they finalized the merger and the
> job evaporated. That was CF 3.0 just before Allaire's second wind. :)
> I'm curious to know what members of the list think about the subject of
> content management or CMS.
> Do your clients often ask for tools to allow their not-so-technical staff
> update their own websites? and if so, how do you address the issue? Do you
> build something for them in-house, figure out what their requirements are
> and offer them a list of existing solutions or just tell them their best
> is to hire more web staff? ...
> Do you have a preferred package and if so which and why?
> How many of you still have active client sites on Spectra?
> Admittedly I have an ulterior motive. :) Over the past 3 years I developed
> content management system myself which you can see at
> and I'm now trying to make a serious effort at
> marketing, so any feedback is greatly appreciated.
> Isaac Dealey
> new epoch
> 954-776-0046
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