Jer, I feel your pain.

the pointy-hairs here are seriously thinking Java/JSP replacement**.
thankfully the (one and only) ASP.NET app I was called in to work on
will be the last (I like C# but I won't miss ASP.NET pages).

and I just replied to a fellow TAFE teacher hitting hard times getting
CF into the classroom, hoping to give him some of my "learning curve"
to try and give him a fighting chance, spread the word and increase
the numbers.

**see this flat spot on my forehead? that's from the third desk I've
dented this month...

On 7/4/06, <cfgroupie> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ahhahahaha....
> Yes good idea...they won't even know the difference.
> As for blue dragon....I've had to many issues with it. Perhaps the new
> version will be a little better.
> I spent 6 years learning CF now I have to go relearn all again...damnit
> I wish we had the matrix plugin thingo...would make life so much easier
> learn it all in 2 mins.
> My luck I would have a blue screen of death and end up in a coma.
> J.
> >

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