> If RonR can pretty much do everything CF can do, and it's free - why
> would a company pay the extra dollars?

well, that part of it sort-of evolved, but it's not the whole story if
you factor in Jeremy's points of moving to .NET, and us with Java/JSP.

and as a litmus test and leaving a direct comparison with RonR out of
it, I'm still trying to get enough reasons to get 2 lousy boxes
upgraded to CF7 to make my life easier - and failing. I was getting so
desperate I was hoping for some Flash (Flex) UI to justify the need
for remoting (and AMF3), but aparently you can get Flash remoting in
Corn Flakes packets now-a-days....

I just hope CF8 has some "must-haves" in there....

On 8/31/06, Mark Mandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From what I'm reading Barry - your argument comes down to one simple question 
> -
> If RonR can pretty much do everything CF can do, and it's free - why
> would a company pay the extra dollars?
> Would the be correct?
> Mark
> On 8/31/06, Barry Beattie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Barry, I was talking about the frameworks, not Ruby vs CFML - and I
> > > think there's been plenty of responses on this thread that include
> > > things CF can do that RoR cannot (esp. Java based and all that
> > > entails - I take it that QUT aren't a J2EE house).
> >
> > we will be well on the way by next year, thanx to the introduction of
> > Blackboard but we'll be using Java and JSP to hook into the Bb API.
> > All but a couple of CF servers will left to fester away, waiting to be
> > put out of their misery. Of the remaining ones, I'm hard pressed to
> > get enough reasons to upgrade to CF7.
> >
> >
> > But if you're
> > > looking for me or anyone else to come up with a RoR is a dud and CF
> > > is god's own because of X, it's not going to happen.  If you can live
> > > with the constraints of RoR or CF, then at the end of the day a
> > > skilled development team will make more difference than the platform
> > > you choose.
> >
> > we've already started to blow away the JSP/Java cobwebs to support
> > this change. But what you're saying is that there is no compelling
> > reason to use CF. If we wanted RAD, then RonR is just as legit.... and
> > cheaper!
> >
> > >  I'm personally curious to see how you go as a RoR developer -
> >
> > nah, I don't like the syntax. I don't like PHP for the same reasons.
> > If I have to spend days typing stuff out I might as well enjoy it.
> >
> > > I think this discussion would have a bit more meat too it if a current 
> > > RoR developer were involved.
> >
> > from this end the discussion points are being driven from a staff
> > CF'er now converted to RonR. did you see Sean Corfields blog post that
> > touched on this a while back? and the response of former CF'ers now
> > using RonR? Sure, your right. the stuff is just a hammer. But we also
> > know that developers don't always make the platform choices for
> > projects.
> >
> > I give up. I'll shut up now. I must be the only person on-list that
> > thinks RubyOnRails could make a serious dent to CF's market share. and
> > that the current feature set - for the price and compared to other
> > platforms - could do a lot more to entice projects to buy into CF.
> >
> --
> W: www.compoundtheory.com
> >

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