Hi Adam,

        what you need is an http proxy - basic principal is that you goto  
http://localhost:somerandomport  and setup the http forwarder to  
listen on that port, but forward to your proper web address.  Then  
you make your web requests as normal and you can watch the raw data  
being dumped through the proxy.  TCPDump is a good one, and there are  
a bunch of them available online for free, some very simple some  
quite sophisticated.


On 19/01/2007, at 16:00 , Adam Chapman wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am currently putting together a basic webservice which returns an
> array to the caller. (returntype="array")
> I want to see the xml response that the caller will receive (.NET  
> user),
> but as the returntype is array, when I cfdump the result, I get a  
> nicely
> formatted array dump, rather than the raw xml.
> Anyone know a quick way to access the actual soap xml response? Or
> should I use xml to create an xml object and return THAT rather  
> than the
> array?
> Cheers,
> Adam
> <cfinvoke webservice="http://mywebservices/myservice.cfc?wsdl";
>       method="getArray"
>       returnvariable="ws">
>               <cfinvokeargument name="a" value="what" />
>               <cfinvokeargument name="b" value="fun" />
> </cfinvoke>
> <cfdump var="#ws#">


        Life is poetry, write it in your own words


Toby Tremayne
Senior Technical Consultant
Lyricist Software
0416 048 090
ICQ: 13107913

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