
What's this all about? Are you looking to attend the sessions I'm proposing
or is this a debate thread on entirely different topic?

Here's the short and sweet of it all.

- WebDU is not called AdobeDU, Its prefix is "Web". You read the About WebDU
page, and it supports the notion that this conference was supposed to about
"Web Technologies". Every year there has been alternating flavours within
WeBDU (CVS, Eclipsee Sessions etc) this year it feels like an Adobe junket.
If all want that, great and I won't take anything away from that only to say
that the sessions I'm proposing will be an extension of the belief that
there is more to the Web other then what Adobe's pushing. Its your call if
you want to attend and it costs you nothing but time.

- Grant: You're mixing your agenda with my words, and to respond to your

"...I can understand Adobe's view in terms of WebDU and they are calling a
spade a spade and saying they don't want their biggest competitor at a
conference where they are the primary sponsors. I know you are trying to
portray Microsoft as altruistic good guys who only have the greater good but
I seriously can't believe it would "rock the people who pay your wages boat"
if  MS developers moved off ASP  to CF..."

I never said any of the above. I said it "would rock my boat" to have a
conference with all brands attending. Now as a result of this fictional
conference, and say 20% of our ASP.NET user base shifted suddenly over night
to Coldfusion, then yeah, it would have internal ripple effects. In that,
the ASP.NET Team would be pulled a side and they'd be asked to address the
reasons why developers suddenly shifted over and to respond to these issues
with new features in the product. In fact, they recently put ASP.NET AJAX
1.0 on the table and last time I checked, all walks of life have been
downloading it and trying it out. It's the first end to end AJAX solution
I've personally seen that covers off three edges (Client, Server and Tools).

So while I appreciate your agenda, I think its misguided to what the orginal
topic was about. You're appearing to fish for a conference and I'm simply
putting together a hands on lab.

I'm not trying to portray Microsoft as anything. I'm simply stating facts,
People do want to know more about the new stuff that we have on the table.
It's up to you if you want to buy-into it some more, and the only cost is
your time? Would this be a bad thing to learn more about WPF, Expression
Suite or even AJAX? Not really.

How many of you use MS SQL daily? How many of you use COM Objects daily? How
many of you have clients who want to integrate stuff you've written into
Office, How many of you know that Office 2007 now saves its entire formats
as XML and that its backward compliance (in that you can open up these new
extensions in previous versions of Office).

How many of you knew this? and how many of you didn't know and why? I'm just
trying to close off things related to the web. That's my agenda.

- Again, mixing words out of context:

"...You say MS wouldn't want sessions at TechEd were they to push alternate
products yet this is exactly what MS would want to do to Adobe at WebDU
and what they have employed you to do on this list and you seem to be
dissing Adobe for this?.."

I said, make sure you identify with your audience first, the consumers of
TechEd with subject matter that is relevant to them. Be relevant is the only
constraint I'd say you have. SO if you walk in armed with "How to integrate
.NET 2.0 with Coldfusion 8" and 20% of the audience have that pain point,
*thumbs up*. TechEd - IS-A - Microsoft flavoured event for Microsoft
professionals. So expect a majority of folks who've invested into Microsoft
products and are there to gain more insights and returns into that

WebDU for example, states it's about "Web Technologies" - well its intent by
the looks of it anyway. If it was called AdobeDU or had wording that
complimented the fact that its primarily about Adobe Products and Secondary
criteria was products that compliment Adobe products, then this would be an
entirely different discussion. The funny thing is, Microsoft does have
products that compliment Adobe products, eg: Microsoft SQL, Office, .NET
(Flex Remoting to .NET?????)

Keep it in perspective.

Look forward to reading your proposal, and I'll personally hand deliver it
to the organiser of the event himself.

More Info:

"Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator. And change has its
enemies" - Robert Kennedy.

Scott Barnes

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