Hi Angus,

>What sort of application was it?
A very basic calculation application. i.e. I fill out textbox one,
textbox two and textbox three shows the calculated result, then insert
into the database.

I know about all the lists, I used them as well. What I found their is
that most of the people on the list are learning as well so although
sometimes the answers/suggestions worked, most of the time they

>I'm really interested in what sort of tutorials would cover the gap. Can you
>be more specific ie topics for learning. I'd be happy to write some myself.

Well first and foremost how to lay out an application. I know of
Cairngorm or ARF, but I found is that the complexity of them are so
full on the time it would take would far out weigh what I had to deal
with, that said I had some help with a mixature of the two from
someone (whom I can't mention top secret stuff).

And I think Angus you nailed it on the head when you said "It's also
significantly different to CF. " So in terms of that perhaps a "Guide
to move your code from CF to Flex"

- Validation
- Inserting Data into the database
- Understanding MVC from a ColdFusion Perspective
- What is OO?
- Why write is ActionScript Compared to <mx:Tags>


I know heaps of CF'ers whom really want to use Flex but the learning
curve is so huge that it scares them off. Hell I even know .NET
programmers who would Like to use it but I tell them...No garry no!

I'm not giving up on it but I'm definantly not going to recommend it

P.S. And for the jobs that are out their... .NET far out weighs any CF
jobs. Unfortuantly. If I'm going to spend time learning another
language its going to be that.

On Apr 27, 1:53 pm, "Angus Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jeremy
> I'd agree that there is quite a learning curve for Flex. The framework is
> very comprehensive, lots of classes and it's easy to get lost. It's also
> object oriented and there are some concepts such as event handling that can
> do your head in at times. It's also significantly different to CF.
> Having said that I think Flex is like any new language. You've gotta spend
> the time learning it.  Maybe Adobe PR did oversell it's simplicity. What
> sort of application was it? Certainly don't start a critical Flex project
> without going through some training first but a single pager app should be
> nailed easily.
> I'm really interested in what sort of tutorials would cover the gap. Can you
> be more specific ie topics for learning. I'd be happy to write some myself.
> There are pretty good support materials out there. Flexcoders mailing list
> namely. Also half a dozen books have been published now on Flex, a bunch of
> training videos from Lynda and Training from the Source and literally
> hundreds of custom components, example code, blogs and so on.
> By framework do you mean Cairngorm or ARF? Frameworks for big projects, Flex
> event handling for small.
> Jeremy, don't give up on Flex just yet. There's a touch of early adopter /
> bleeding edge with Flex but it's bedding down quite nicely.
> You've only got to look at the cf job ads asking about Flex experience to
> know where we're heading.
> Angus
> On 27/04/07, <cfgroupie> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I walked into worked today with everyone around me saying did you
> > hear? Flex has been open- sourced. My imediate thoughts was that's
> > interesting. But honestly it won't make me continue with flex.
> > I started a project about 2 months ago which was only going to take a
> > few weeks. Without going into a massive post about the project we
> > found a need to try out some Flex. I was Whoa stoked. We started off
> > very small a simple form posting to a database. My background is
> > mainly CF so I tackled Flex like a CF programmer would. It's sad to
> > say that I totally under estimated the complexity of programming Flex.
> > Now guys/gals, this page was the most BASIC page you could imagine.
> > Where I felt Adobe let me down was the fact that all their PR
> > explained how easy it was to pick up the Flex language. What they
> > don't tell you is that you REALLY need to know OO and you REALLY need
> > to have a good framework. The lack of examples in which I personally
> > learn from is so limited that it left me shell shocked. When I learned
> > ColdFusion it was SO much easier. Ben Forta is my friend! And of
> > course this list bailed me out a number of times. Adobe are constantly
> > pushing the fact that 9x% use flash player and video format is taking
> > off. Then how come Adobe doesn't utlise this and create tutorials on
> > how to use their products!?
> > The company I work for is "Huge" and the amount of time that I wasted
> > trying to achieve the most basic results I could have done 10 times
> > quicker in ColdFusion AND .NET twice over.
> > The sad fact of the matter is I will never recommend Flex to any
> > programmer or company that I deal with again. So I hope that making
> > Flex open-source will help bridge the massive learning curve that
> > developers will encounter.
> > Flex had so much potential and that I personally feel its fallin flat
> > on its vector based face.
> > Jeremy
> --http://allthgo.com
> Phone: +61 (0) 7 3857 3880
> Mobile: +61 (0) 409 721 701- Hide quoted text -
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