> Whilst there may not be the positions available in Canberra at the moment,
> there very soon will be.  You should see a big demand for CF developers here
> in the next 6-12 months.

and this is why you've put the hard yards in getting the CFUG going in
the ACT? (congrats, BTW)

to create a support infrastructure and professional development "hub"
for the expected numbers?

smart move. this is the "guild" model I harp on about**
 - a center for professional development
 - quality control (in this case: discourse into best practices)
 - support for a career path from juniors to seniors.
 - some infulence of supply and demand of workers
 - some influence on remuneration

** based on the professional guilds of Medieval Europe: stonemasons,
blacksmiths, bowyers, thatchers, etc.

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